Zpráva pro členy Alliance for MRI 10/2010

Zpráva pro členy Alliance for MRI 10/2010

Dear Members of the Alliance for MRI,

.. At the recent Alliance for MRI reception hosted by MEPs Alejandro Cercas, Elizabeth Lynne and Françoise Grossetête, the* European Commissioner for employment, social affairs and inclusion, László Andor, confirmed his intention to propose an exclusion for MRI from the binding exposure limits in the revision of the EU Physical Agents Directive 2004/40/EC on electromagnetic fields.*

.. The Commissioner outlined that new scientific studies have not shown any new evidence for adverse effects of MRIs.

.. The Alliance for MRI very much welcomes this announcement and the Commissioner’s clarification that that the exemption would cover clinical and research use as well as the maintenance of MRI.

.. In addition, the proposal would include stronger qualitative measures in order to protect the health and safety of the workers concerned, This would include covering documented administrative procedures such as governing a controlled access to the examination room; dissemination of best practice/development of good practice to limit exposure of workers (i.e. guidelines); reinforced information and training of the workers concerned with for instance the development of additional training tools. The Alliance for MRI is supportive of this approach.

.. *We expect the proposal to be adopted by the European Commission in December 2010*, following the finalisation of the impact assessment and inter-service consultation.

.. The new proposal will amend and repeal the existing EMF Directive and has substantially changed its approach from the current EMF Directive.

.. *The new deadline for adopting the new version of the EMF Directive has been set for April 2012 and the national transposition deadline will be fixed for 2-3 years later.*

.. Once adopted, the proposal will be sent to the European Parliament and the Council for their opinion.

*The European Parliament Campaign *
The Alliance for MRI is counting on the support of its members in the European Parliament to ensure that the exemption for MRI from the limits remains intact through the co-decision process.

It is essential that this exemption is not limited in time. The European Commission proposal already contains a provision for a report on implementation.

*The Council *
It is expected that the Council will draft its position under the *Hungarian Presidency (January-June 2011)* and will work closely in the Council ‘Presidency Trio’ with the *Polish Presidency (July-December 2011)*.

The Alliance for MRI looks forward to working with its members to engage in key member states. There is still a need to inform and educate key decision-makers on the issue so that they understand the importance of supporting the exclusion of MRI from the limit values.

*The Alliance for MRI very much hopes that an agreement will be reached in first reading with the European Parliament,* given the importance of removing any legal uncertainty regarding the use of MRI as soon as possible.

The Lancet has recently published an article which you may find useful in your communications (see attachment). An article about the Alliance for MRI campaign was also published in the new EFNA publication “Science & Society”: http://www.alliance-for-mri.org/html/img/pool/S_S_Issue_1_p10-13.pdf

*Next steps in our campaign*
Please be sure to inform your members and contacts of the relevance and importance of this legislation on the future of MRI and healthcare in Europe.

The Alliance for MRI can provide you with background briefs which outline the use of MRI for the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases, heart conditions and cancer.

We would ask you to take the opportunity to inform any political decision-makers who have an interest in worker safety, public health and research in Europe on the implications of this legislation. Please share a copy of the Alliance for MRI position paper and make sure they are aware of what is at stake.

The Alliance for MRI would like to thank you for your support and looks forward to working with you in 2011.

With best regards,

Monika Hierath
Alliance for MRI Secretariat
phone: +43-1-5334064-20